We recognise the importance of being a responsible business - to us that means being a responsible employer, a responsible supply chain manager and a responsible member of the international community
In order to fulfil our responsabilities to the industries who supply us, the firms who buy from us, our employees who keep our business running, the wider community in which we operate and the environment in which we all live and work, our approach to corporate responsability incorporates Communities, the Environment, our Marketplace
We assure that our services abide by the European rules. We also respect ethical rules in our business management so in the relations with our suppliers and customers.
We take responsability for the safety and the reliability of the delivered products
We condemn and prohibit child labour and we assure that TRADYC and its suppliers respect the legal rights of their employees according to the legislation of their countries
We assure that the manufacturing of the products respect the European legislation (Directive REACH)